Friday, July 9, 2010

book review: Albert Einstein

I just finished Albert Einstein by Kathleen Krull. It was a very interesting book. He was a genius and a bit of a wise guy too. The book was about his life and his theories and ideas. In the begging he was a very rebellious kind of kid and didn’t like to listen to the teachers. When he was older and had graduated from college he applied for a teaching position at a university in Europe. He applied all over the continent and no one would offer him a job even though he had his PhD. So he worked as a clerk in a patent office. Einstein was finally offered a job as a lecturer the (lowest job at a college) and was paid so little that he had to keep his job at the patent office (he was eventually moved up and was paid more and was also offered a twice as paid job). He wrote all of these great articles and a lot of people thought nothing of him because he was Jewish. Hitler said something like as long as Jews were in science he could live without science for a few years. But whatever people said Einstein was still a genius. If it weren’t for Einstein we wouldn’t have TV.

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