I just finished Albert Einstein by Kathleen Krull. It was a very interesting book. He was a genius and a bit of a wise guy too. The book was about his life and his theories and ideas. In the begging he was a very rebellious kind of kid and didn’t like to listen to the teachers. When he was older and had graduated from college he applied for a teaching position at a university in Europe. He applied all over the continent and no one would offer him a job even though he had his PhD. So he worked as a clerk in a patent office. Einstein was finally offered a job as a lecturer the (lowest job at a college) and was paid so little that he had to keep his job at the patent office (he was eventually moved up and was paid more and was also offered a twice as paid job). He wrote all of these great articles and a lot of people thought nothing of him because he was Jewish. Hitler said something like as long as Jews were in science he could live without science for a few years. But whatever people said Einstein was still a genius. If it weren’t for Einstein we wouldn’t have TV.
Friday, July 9, 2010
book review: Albert Einstein
I just finished Albert Einstein by Kathleen Krull. It was a very interesting book. He was a genius and a bit of a wise guy too. The book was about his life and his theories and ideas. In the begging he was a very rebellious kind of kid and didn’t like to listen to the teachers. When he was older and had graduated from college he applied for a teaching position at a university in Europe. He applied all over the continent and no one would offer him a job even though he had his PhD. So he worked as a clerk in a patent office. Einstein was finally offered a job as a lecturer the (lowest job at a college) and was paid so little that he had to keep his job at the patent office (he was eventually moved up and was paid more and was also offered a twice as paid job). He wrote all of these great articles and a lot of people thought nothing of him because he was Jewish. Hitler said something like as long as Jews were in science he could live without science for a few years. But whatever people said Einstein was still a genius. If it weren’t for Einstein we wouldn’t have TV.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Today Bi, Dad, and I went to the Vergennes pool for a swim. We went yesterday too. When we got to the pool guess who i saw? I saw my little kindergarten friend Carly and her mom Jen, her brother Ryan, his friend Neo, and Neo's mom Nikki. I had sooooooo much fun. I played with Carly and I also played tag with Carly, Bi and Dad. It was in the 90's today so it felt really good to get into the pool. I hope we go again soon!
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Today I picked 14 blackberries right from our own property. Oh my gosh they are good!! The other day I picked 16 blackberries and I have been sharing them with my family and everybody loves them. We didn't plant the bushes but they just seemed to have found there way up into the world and they provide wonderful fresh berries. We've been getting them for quite a few years now as far as I can remember. The berries are small about the size of my index fingernail(1/4 an inch long and wide). They are circular and bumpy like blackberries. I think they are mini blackberries. I love them!!!!!(they are much smaller than the ones in the picture.)
4th of July
I wonder if other countries use fireworks for their patriotic celebrations -- I'll let you know if I ever take the trouble to look into it. As Chani said, we went to Bristol to see the fireworks - they're SO BEAUTIFUL!! Now that I'm thinking back, I can't remember any rainy 4th of July's, can you?
Bristol seems to be the holiday town around here -- it's the town where the high school is, so it's kind of the hub for many surrounding towns. (And there are probably few towns that do a better job at Halloween than Bristol!!)
We're going to read the Declaration of Indedependence together today, and possibly watch the move 1776. Bi mentioned yesterday that until Thomas Jefferson became president, everyone was expected to bow before presidents, as though they were royalty. He changed all that. Way to go, Mr. Jefferson!
Bristol seems to be the holiday town around here -- it's the town where the high school is, so it's kind of the hub for many surrounding towns. (And there are probably few towns that do a better job at Halloween than Bristol!!)
We're going to read the Declaration of Indedependence together today, and possibly watch the move 1776. Bi mentioned yesterday that until Thomas Jefferson became president, everyone was expected to bow before presidents, as though they were royalty. He changed all that. Way to go, Mr. Jefferson!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
4th of July

Yesterday we went to bristol and watched the fireworks and today we went to bristol to see the parade. Watching the parade is always fun to watch. It wasn't nearly as big as last year but it was still awesome. I saw my friend and i got candy for trade in(it's a system we have). I had a lot of fun and I hope I can go next year. Happy 4th of July/Independence Day!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
roller coaster

Today Bi and I almost finished our K'NEX roller coaster that we are building. It is called the Screamin Serpent. There are three cars that connect to each other like a train. The cars go in the roller coaster like a mini version of a roller coaster at a theme park. The cars come with two people per car. It is supposed to be 6 feet long and 3 feet high. It's awesome!
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