Thursday, June 24, 2010

Softball and an act of courage

On Tuesday night the girls' softball team played one of their arch rivals in the playoffs -- neighboring Starksboro. The were a tough team with the best record in the league this year. Our team fell behind a bit more in each inning. But victory was still possible. In the bottom of the fifth inning Chani was brough in as a relief pitcher. Though she had only pitched sporadically this year, she looked confident. She struck out the first batter, but the second batter got a hit and stole second base. A few minutes later there were two runs that had scored, with two outs. However the next hitter was perhaps the strongest hitter in the entire county. Nearly every time up she hit the ball solidly, far out in the outfield. Chani new her well, because they played basketball together this past season. On the second pitch, the girl swung hard and ripped a low line drive straight ahead. Unfortunately it smashed full force into Chani's left leg, just two inches above her ankle. She immediately went down into the wet sand on the pitcher's mound, but then she did something astonishing. In an instant she popped back up on her good leg, managed to reach the softball a few feet away and threw to first base just in time to get the third out. Extraordinary! As soon as she let go of the ball she went down, crying and writhing in pain. I ran out there, fearing that her leg was broken. We helped her back to the bench, where she put her leg up and I iced it. Her tears began to let up. I don't think she realized what an extraordinary act of courage and determination she had just displayed for the entire crowd.

The other players came over to see how she was doing. She couldn't play anymore, but the fate of the team had already been sealed. They had lost and were out of the playoffs. Still, regardless of the score, it was a scene that will remain planted in my memory for the rest of my life. What a proud father I was.

- Gregg

1 comment:

  1. My leg is doing much better. Thank you for all your help Dad!!
